Just found out Power of Moms posted another one of my articles a few days ago! This one is a bit more serious and close to my heart than the last.
Bushes Today
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Beach Photo Shoot
Need to post these fun pictures before they are outdated! I wasn't too excited to do family pics while hugely pregnant, but really wanted a beach shot and figured three months before delivery would be better than a week or two after!
My favorite beaches are the ones in Laguna Beach. I love their "natural feel" with their tide pools, a little more space from homes and buildings and that the sand isn't trucked in! I would have liked to stay here all day long!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Ironman 2013
I hope
I make it obvious in this blog that Elijah is a Super-man at home.
He has also continued being an Ironman on the racecourse. In May we
went to St. George so Elijah could do the half Ironman with his
brother-in-law, Dan. As usual, he was amazing! Elijah always
impresses me on the racecourse. He studies, plans, practices and
always has fun while he is racing too! We have a little joke about
some advice his friend gave him when he did his first full Ironman.
The friend said he could keep himself going mentally by focusing on a
different person or motivating factor for each leg of the race. One
suggested was to think about “the joy of doing an Ironman.” How
thinking about that could propel an exhausted body forward always
made me laugh, but evidently it works for Elijah. He seriously has
JOY while doing these races. He has an amazing ability to push
himself to do hard things; a 2 miles swim, 50 mile bike ride and 13.2
mile run worth of hard things!
Cassie made these cute shirt for all of us to cheer on our Daddy Athletes |
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Baby Bump

BUT I am really excited to have this
sweet baby come. He is super active; he is constantly swimming,
biking and working out with a speed bag. He will have no problem
keeping up with his big brothers. I'm having lots of Braxton Hicks
contractions and I think he is just as ready to be born as I am for
him to come! The boys regularly hug and kiss my belly and talk to the
baby. Elijah has been amazing at picking up the slack I've dropped.
Almost every morning he stays to help get kids ready and most days
takes the boys to school, even taking Hyrum along when he can to give
me a few minutes to shower. All but a few evenings during the week
he makes sure he is home to put boys to bed. He never complains when
he comes home to a messy house, no dinner made and crazy kids, even
when he has also had a challenging day at work and spending hours
on the LA roads. Most of my days end with a foot massage from Elijah
and he keeps working after I fall asleep. I'm a pretty lucky girl.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Staying Busy
The boys were bored and driving me crazy the other night while I was trying to get dinner ready. I gave them the challenge to see who could make the best Lego creation of ME! I think they both did pretty good! What do you think? I was in fact wearing blue pants and a yellow apron, thought Jake did nice paying attention to those details. And I think Joey did a pretty good job with my hair! Not sure how I feel about the nose/mouth he gave me.
Happy Birthday Joey!
Little Joey, is not so little any more. Last week he turned 6! I can hardly believe it. At school he insists that his teacher calls him Joseph, he rides a bike without training wheels and he was the star of the show at his last piano recital. Even though he has so many of the twerpy traits of a five or six-year-old boy, luckily for me, he is still very sweet. During a dinner conversation about the Love Languages, he self diagnosed as one who loves words of affirmation (he always writes me love notes and has asked why I don't write him many) and physical touch. He then proceeded to run from seat to seat at the table and give everyone hugs. His sweet example was catching and soon all the boys were hugging everyone, including one of Elijah's friends who was at dinner for that night. Pretty funny.
Joey had a rockin' "Gold Ninja Party." He was a delightful birthday boy. He helped plan and prepare for the party was thrilled with everything that we did, even if it didn't go exactly as planned. He was very polite to all his friends, he shared will, said thank you to everyone and even walked each of them to the door when it was time to go. I'm so proud of the way he conducted himself.
Ninja Training with Sensei Wu |
Fighting the Serpent Pinata | (if you know about Ninjago then this won't seem like such a weird pinata!) |
Blowing out the Birthday Caterpillar on his real birthday. |
Yea for Legos! |
Hooray! More legos! |
I brought cupcakes to school to celebrate. |
I love you Joey! |
Momma loves the Birthday Boy! |
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